George Fox University - Faculty

Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

Sample Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries Job Description

Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries

Responsibilities include:

  1. Teaching:
    1. Teach courses in Christian Ministries and Religion (e.g., CHMN 130 Christian Disciplining, CHMN 314 World Christianity: Theology and Practice, CHMN 390 Theological Foundations of Christian Ministry, CHMN 441 Contemporary Issues of the Church, RELI 340 Christian Classics, and other similar courses)
    2. Teach courses in the university's General Education curriculum (e.g., BIBL 100 Bible Survey, RELI 300 History and Theology of Christianity, RELI 215 Topics  and Themes in Religion and Theology)
  2. Service:
    1. Support local faith communities and community service efforts as appropriate; in particular, help connect the CCS to faith communities in the greater Portland area.
    2. Participate in the ongoing support of the CCS programs and curriculum.
    3. Serve on faculty committees, participate in the life of the university community, provide academic advisement to students and engage in other duties normally associated with full-time faculty members.
  3. Scholarship:
    1. Engage in high-level scholarly activity relevant to the teaching responsibilities of the position.
    2. Maintain a sustained pattern of peer-reviewed publication as called for in the George Fox University Faculty Handbook for tenure-track faculty members.

Minimum Requirements:

PhD in Religion or foreign equivalent.  Evangelical Christian commitment and lifestyle consistent with the institution's goals, including a signed Statement of Faith and Statement of Community Responsibilities with George Fox University.  All candidates must have legal authority to permanently work in the US. Applicants meeting all requirements, please submit your CV to or by mail to Nichole Drew, Director of Employee Empowerment, George Fox University, 414 N. Meridian Street, Newberg, OR 97132.


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