George Fox University - Faculty

Assistant or Associate Professor of Mathematics Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

Assistant or Associate Professor of Mathematics Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

Sample Assistant or Associate Professor of Mathematics Job Description

Assistant or Associate Professor of Mathematics

George Fox University announces a tenure-track faculty position in Mathematics to begin August 2022. George Fox University, a Christ-centered community, prepares students spiritually, academically, and professionally to think with clarity, act with integrity, and serve with passion. Professors teach all truth as God's truth, integrating all fields of learning around the person and work of Jesus Christ, bringing the divine revelations through sense, reason, and intuition to the confirming test of Scripture. All applicants must express a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and express their Christian testimony in a local church. In addition, professors agree to live in agreement with the university lifestyle statement and affirm the theological commitments expressed in the Statement of Faith. George Fox University is an institution that values diversity as an essential dimension of God's design for human communities. In seeking to become a more inclusive community, we especially encourage applications from women and candidates from racial and ethnic backgrounds that are underrepresented on our faculty. Individuals who would fit this profile are encouraged to apply for current openings in our faculty.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • All subject areas within mathematics will be considered, those whose backgrounds that are in statistics, applied mathematics, and data analytics are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Primary teaching responsibilities involve weekly lectures sections in Mathematics for majors and non-majors courses.
  • The ability to teach and support strong programs in the sciences and engineering as well as advanced courses for math majors.
  • Active collaboration with science and engineering faculty, provide program leadership and development, and student advising.
  • The capacity to develop and sustain an ongoing program of scholarship and research.
  • Participate in the work of the department and university including university committees as needed.


  • An earned doctorate in Mathematics (or closely related field).
  • Previous teaching and research experience are desirable (but not required).
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching is essential.
  • A commitment to working with a diverse population of students is essential; demonstrated experience in this area is preferred.
  • All applicants must express a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and express their Christian testimony in a local church. In addition, professors agree to live in agreement with the Community Lifestyle Statement and affirm the theological commitments expressed in the Statement of Faith.
  • Candidates must have legal authority to permanently work in the U.S.

Application Procedures - Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, completed application, essays, description of research plans, and cover letter statement of interest to Adina McConaughey, Executive Assistant, College of Engineering, George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, 97132. Email: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. George Fox University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

Current Openings for Assistant or Associate Professor of Mathematics Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

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