George Fox University - Faculty

Writing Studio Instructor Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

Writing Studio Instructor Jobs at George Fox University - Faculty

Sample Writing Studio Instructor Job Description

Writing Studio Instructor

The Writing Program at George Fox University seeks to hire several adjunct instructors to teach in our innovative undergraduate writing program. In our model, students work toward the demonstration of proficiency in college-level writing during their first semester through a set of instructor-run workshops and the development of a writing portfolio. Instructors teach writing in weekly classroom lessons and meet with students in a coaching capacity throughout the semester. 

Instructors' primary duties would include:

  • Classroom instruction
  • Individual writing consultations with students
  • Evaluating student writing portfolios and writing assignments
  • Holding office hours  
  • Tracking student progress
  • Attending training sessions and weekly staff meetings

We are looking for candidates who hold a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field (M.A. preferred), have experience teaching or tutoring academic writing, and can commit to morning and/or early afternoon hours three or more days a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Friday). Some evening hours one day per week may also be possible.

In the spring, candidates may have the opportunity to teach one or more sections of WRIT 111 Writing Portfolio Development, a three-credit course for students who do not achieve an adequate level of writing proficiency by the end of the first semester.

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